
This is not a world. It is a dimension. It is a realm of limitless possibilities, filled with beings in possession of an ever expansive mind. Beings who despite all of this choose to limit themselves to a singular reality. They do this without the realization that things are not what they seem to be. Reality as they know it is changeable. A chair is not a chair, the floor is not the floor. Despite all they think they know up is in fact down and down is in fact up. But these are merely constructs of what they believe to be an evolved mind. These are nothing more than labels they have applied to restrain themselves to what they believe is. They need to know the truth. That they are the is. They are surrounded by the is. That they, through pure thought and divine will can influence the is.
The times that these beings are currently living in are in a word-interesting. So concentrated are they on trivial matters that they can not see that they are a collective. They are concerned with a hierarchy they term government, with differences between man and woman, and this concept of what they term race. There is violence everywhere they turn and they concentrate on all of this. What they fail to concentrate on is the goodness that is within them-at least they do not see this until it follows what they see as tragedy. Forgiveness is a foreign concept to many of them, and yet many of them still suggest just that as a form of healing. In their current timeline this is a place of contradictions the former being only one prime example.
Judgement is a theme among them. Those who believe differently than the masses are seen as strange or in many cases even ostracized from their own kind. Those who still lie asleep, safe and comfortable in the boxes they have built around themselves. They have become their possessions or more to the point their possessions have become them. For a select few their greed has sought ways to limit over half of them into selling time in exchange for basic survival needs. This is a failing system, although more and more are beginning to wake up and realize that only by assisting one another can they not only survive but thrive.
So much pain and loss has turned many of them numb to new and wonderful experiences, but even for these there remains hope. Even if that hope is an ever dimming light they remain determined to reach it, to rekindle it.
The beings here are reaching a junction at which they will need to make a decision. To wake up, or remain asleep and ignorant to the lives they could have. However, with the right prompting they could become awakened and arise to the potential within them all.
Prognosis of these beings is good overall. Just a slight word of advice. Look outwardly and choose your words and thoughts carefully as they will impact what is to be. In those times of repose, look inwardly and expand your mind and be open to the is. Apply every action, word, and deed with purpose. Let go of what was, enjoy every moment of what is, and look forward to what will be. Every contact made here has a reason, nothing is done without purpose and soon that purpose will be known.

–Elizabeth Robinson

You can control your own vibration

You have the ability to expand or contract your vibration.

When you ‘judge’ you generally contract or lock yourself out from expanding.

When you accept ‘what is’ – in the moment you are prone to expansion.

It is helpful to remain aware of your state, and the state of others and to practice openness.

If you want a better life, expand!  Quit judging your current affairs as wanting – instead FLOW.

Live Love

**Love Like There is No Tomorrow**

(Because love really matters, and tomorrow never comes because all that really is, is right now)

A short conversation with God

What is submission to God’s Will?

How do you know what God wants?

If God wants me to be successful and happy and to build my dreams I have to know what to dream.

How can I overcome my past?

By being more present.

What about my future?

Do what you can today.

What can I do today?

Whatever you want.

But what should I do?

Do something of value for others.  Give of yourself.  Do what you came here to do.  You will know it’s right by how you feel about it.  Do what you feel is the right thing to do, what feels good to your soul, your spirit, come from the source of Love in your heart.

If you could express the Love you have for your fellow “man” what would you give them?

I want you to express My Love through you.

That’s how to please God and achieve success in the process.

What talents and abilities do I have to offer?

What’s the best thing I can offer the world?

I keep getting stuck here.  I don’t feel adequate.  My skills aren’t up to my mission.

Then define your mission.

My Mission in Life Is…

What’s the greatest dream you ever had about yourself?


The Omnipresent Being – We Are All One

How is it that we are all One?  This has to do with the certainty of God.  See if God is Everything, and the Source of Everything, then we are projections of God’s Be-ing.  Hence we are all God.

The words we use to ascribe to the All-Being can create confusion and consequent “separation” or more like a mental self-centeredness.  So I com-template words to convey His/Her/It’s “name”, and come up with The Great Spirit, God, The Ever-present Wholeness, The Universal Field, The Source, The Universal Being, THE OMNIPRESENT BE-ING.

I’m trying to convey that God is Every-thing, and Ever-Present, All the Time.  Another way to look at it is that Every Thing Is Holy, Every Thing is Sacred.

By of which, In This we are made Whole.  In This we are One.  In This we are Forgiven – Unified.

Again this is why forgiving others is in reality forgiving Ourselves, and how all Paths are respected as being One with the Whole.  The Knowledge of Good and Evil is the Illusion that God is separated.

There is a Truth here, the seed to an awareness so great, that it Will expand Our Selves beyond what words can or were meant to ever describe.  And the Knowing is in letting go.

The Pain of Separation

Since in ultimate reality we are all One, all emotional pain derives from egoic separation.  Abandonment, loss of a loved one through circumstance or death of the body, or even by separating ourselves through anger or judgement.  The pain we feel can be a driving force for us to seek the eternal spirit within and thus the reunion we seek.

Grieve well and open your heart.  Love is still the answer.

Education for Life

How about this?  Learning to live.

Life success skills.  Problem solving, time management, creative visualization, integrity, honorable interactions, contracting and negotiating, memory and other mind skills.  Personal development.  Addictions.

Cooking, cleaning.  Home repair and maintenance.  Healthful environment management.

Cultivating food!  Healthy eating.

Child rearing.

Understanding God and your place and purpose in the Universe.

So many things we’re not taught as children in our society that are way more important than the current focus of so called education.