Forgiving “others”

When you truly forgive someone else you don’t release them from your wrath – you release your self from the negativity.  If someone wrongs you and you hold a grudge you are doing yourself double-damage.  Forgiving “others” then is more importantly about healing yourself.

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The world is upside-down

Once you begin to see how the world “should be” you’ll discover that the world is upside-down.  Almost every aspect of our society is inverted.  The things that are most important aren’t important at all, and the things that aren’t important are put on a pedestal. You can’t end terrorism and violence by perpetuating it.  […]

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Duality and Judgement

Each person has their positive and negative aspects.  Each personality aspect is like a coin of positive and the corresponding negatives.  In order to carry the positives we must also contain the negatives.  Personality really is like a wheel. We can choose to honor and celebrate the positives in others (or ourselves) or judge and condemn […]

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Division & Unity

Competition is not as effective as cooperation.  Standing together is more powerful than standing apart.  True patriotism is to glorify the whole of creation.  Yearn to see through the illusion of separateness and division and find truth in forgiveness.  Let us love each other straight through the seeming boundaries and experience how much further we can go. […]

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Vibrations and the experience of time

Just a day after posting our brief discussion of personal vibrations, Steve Beckow of The Golden Age of Gaia expressed a very similar message in relation to changing our world.  His words are very welcome. You can read his post at Also a channeled message from Blossom Goodchild has been published that also relates. […]

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Personal Vibrations

Everything in this universe vibrates.  Every place.  Every thing.  Every One. Has a vibration.  If you pay attention you can awaken a certain kind of sensing or sensitivity to the vibrations of things both physical and non-physical (like thoughts and emotions). Each person also carries a unique “vibe”.  You can especially feel it when you […]

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Gratitude is the soil upon which prosperity and abundance grow.  It’s amazing how many things we can be grateful for in every given moment.  So there is always a lot of fertile soil upon which to grow abundance. I am grateful for the technology and service that allows me to share my thoughts with you. […]

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On war and security

There is no “security” from building armies, weapons, and the machinery of war. Lasting “security” comes from loving others as ourselves and building positive relationships.  In other words, lasting “security” comes from planting the seeds of peace and prosperity.  “You reap what you sow”. How hard is that to understand?

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